Code of Discipline

St Jarlaths NS



Tel: 0909 684 663

Roll No: 17863E

This reviewed policy was formulated by the staff of Garbally National School on the 20th April 2016 and ratified by the Board of Management on the 21st April 2016


  1. It was necessary to devise our Code of Discipline to comply with Department of Education and Science regulations
  • To maintain discipline in our school

Relationship to characteristic spirit of the school:

As our school is Catholic, with a Catholic ethos, we endeavour, with the help of the Code of Discipline, to cultivate a safe, secure and happy educational environment for our children.  We also strive to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the holistic development of each child.


  1. To achieve a safe environment for all
  2. To provide a happy place of learning for our children
  3. To eliminate bullying
  4. To eliminate the use of bad language
  5. To create a place where every child will feel welcome, safe, stress free and therefore will make progress in the classroom
  6. To devise a clear set of rules which are outlined to the children regularly
  7. To also make the children aware of the sanctions which will be imposed if they break a rule


Respect myself

Respect others

Respect property

  1. Children must obey the teacher at all times
  2. Bad language and cheek will not be tolerated
  3. Disruptive behaviour in class is forbidden
  4. Children must remain within school grounds and cannot leave without the permission of a teacher
  5. Full uniform must be worn at all times
  6. If tracksuit bottoms are to be worn they must be plain navy
  7. Sports jerseys must not be worn inside shirts
  8. Junk food – sweets, crisps, chewing gum and fizzy drinks  are not allowed
  9. Homework must be done with care
  10. Children must always behave properly on school outings, at matches, at swimming and never let our good reputation down
  11. Children must respect furniture and painted walls, indoor shoes must be worn to keep floors in good condition
  12. Bullying is strictly forbidden
  13. Children must behave if the teacher leaves the classroom
  14. Children must never engage in dangerous behaviour
  15. Mobile phones are not allowed in school
  16. Children must behave properly in the school yard, misbehaviour in the yard will lead to a short period of time-out in the school shelter, the length of time will be at the teacher’s discretion


For children who break the rules are:

  1. The teacher explains that they have broken a rule and gives a verbal warning
  2. Children write what rule they have broken and why they broke it
  3. Repeating the same behaviour within two days will lead to a time off break
  4. Having followed the procedures, if a child persists with this behaviour the parents will be called in
  5. In consultation with the parents, an appropriate measure will be chosen for the child in question
  6. If, on occasion, a serious misdemeanour is committed, the teachers and the principal may consider it necessary to speak to the parents immediately, without having to go through the previous stages 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
  7. In accordance with the Department of Educations rules for National Schools, a child may be suspended

Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Management, the Principal and the teachers will all be responsible for the implementation of the Code of Discipline

It is the policy in the school to reward positive behaviour and to recognise achievements at all times.